Fresh Mint: A Summer Iced Tea
Cleanse your palate with a mid-day herbal iced tea, or the perfect nightcap.
Alaya's Fresh Mint is a peppermint blend, sourced from certified regenerative organic fields and Fair for Life farmers in Uttar Pradesh, India. These are the only certified regenerative mint farms in the country! Passionate about improving soil quality, these farmers are testing new tillage techniques and planting nitrogen-fixing cover crops, like lentils, dhaincha, and clover.

Mint is one of the most versatile herbal teas. It helps with digestion; it helps with calming down the nervous system; it helps clear your airways and lungs; and it makes for a really refreshing iced tea in the summer months.
A humble cup of hot mint tea after dinner can be made with just an infuser and a cup: pop in some leaves, let it brew for a few minutes, and sip away.

We also love it iced in the summer months. We recommend a teaspoon of mint leaves for about three cups of water. Brew it over the stove so you can make a larger quantity more easily. Let it steep for as long as you have time -- the longer, the better the flavor. Chill for a few hours in the fridge, and then serve over ice. You can also add fresh orange or lemon wedges, or blend our Tulsi (Indian Basil) and mint leaves for an iced tea that has the lemony tang of tulsi and the freshness of mint.

METHOD: Teapot
QUANTITY: 1 heaped teaspoon
CUPS: 3 cups
BREW TIME: 4-5 minutes
1) Heat 3 cups of filtered water to approximately 190 degrees Fahrenheit (below boiling temperature)
2) Add 1 teaspoon of Fresh Mint leaves (approximately 2.5 grams) into teapot. Pour hot water over leaves.
3) Steep for 4-5 minutes, then remove strainer if teapot has one, or use hand held strainer to pour tea into your cup.
4) Add a drop of honey or slice of lemon if you wish.
5) For iced version: Brew as normal, and strain out leaves. Place in fridge for 2-3 hours to chill, then add 3-4 slices of lemon or orange for an added zing.
QUANTITY: 1 heaped teaspoon
CUPS: 3 cups
BREW TIME: 4-5 minutes
1) Heat 3 cups of filtered water to approximately 190 degrees Fahrenheit (below boiling temperature)
2) Add 1 teaspoon of Fresh Mint leaves (approximately 2.5 grams) into teapot. Pour hot water over leaves.
3) Steep for 4-5 minutes, then remove strainer if teapot has one, or use hand held strainer to pour tea into your cup.
4) Add a drop of honey or slice of lemon if you wish.
5) For iced version: Brew as normal, and strain out leaves. Place in fridge for 2-3 hours to chill, then add 3-4 slices of lemon or orange for an added zing.